Since 2008, I've been capturing life's vibrant tapestry through my lens, expertly freezing moments in time with my event photography and tantalizing the senses with exquisite food photography.
Launching The Social Robin in 2017 marked the beginning of a fulfilling yet challenging journey. While my dedication to photography and videography flourished, simultaneously running a company presented its own set of hurdles. It’s been incredibly rewarding to not only hone these crafts, but also to navigate the complexities of business leadership. This dual path has allowed me to experience growth both as an artist and as an entrepreneur.
Working hand-in-hand with a talented team, both on location and in collaboration with our clients, has created a synergy that fuels our collective creativity. My portfolio, now shimmering with the luster of high-end engagements, reflects this growth. From the esteemed corridors of The Ritz-Carlton to the gastronomic brilliance of Fearing's Restaurant, my work spans across the United States. This journey has brought my unique skill set to a multitude of industries, delivering a level of versatility and expertise that is as distinctive as it is in demand. Through these experiences, I've learned that the rewards of balancing creative pursuits with business management are as profound as they are fulfilling.
Exceptional photographic artistry honed since 2008, delivering distinctive, high-caliber imagery for clients nationwide.
Discover this carefully chosen selection from recent and favorite shoots, where each piece represents a step in my evolving journey, blending creativity with client collaboration to capture moments that speak beyond the lens.